Tuesday, 28 May 2013

WOYWW 208!!

Finally, the time has arrived - the 4th anniversary of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday!  I think I've been waiting for this for two months or something.  I'd like to suggest you take the time to check out the other workdesks available for perusal here.  Happy hopping!

So, my desk this week...

 One hot mess of cross stitch preparation.
 I've decided that as I'm not declaring what this is until it is completed (by which time, you'll be able to guess the subject matter for yourselves), it will, until that point, be named the Bartlett-Cobb sampler, after my friends surnames who are having the baby.
 'Cat Pile' is coming on.  The width of the work that you can see is just one of the 15 A4 charts that is part of the design.  Gah?!
Nathan's Diatoms are racing onwards.  Thanks to the bank holiday weekend.  I managed to get a record amount done to all the pieces.

I'll do my best to get round as many desks this week as possible. x


  1. Wow I am impressed with your beautiful stitching.
    Lynn 22

  2. Hello. Some fabulous stitching on your desk.
    You are the next person on the list so are the lucky recipient of one of my ATCs.

    If you email me on kylacotterell@hotmail.com with your address I will pop it in the post.


  3. gOSH lUCY WELL DONE! hOW DOO YOU DECIDE WHICH PIECE TO WORK ON AT ANY TIME..OR IS IT ENTIRely deadline driven? Oh, sorry, Caps issue - not shouting, honest!

  4. Can't believe (still!) that you have all these on the go at once. Maybe it is good to do several for a break from the same colours. Have a lovely day, happy WOYWWversary. Helen, 39

  5. Blimey, you must have astonishingly good eyesight to do cross stitch with all that black yarn! I think I'd go cross eyed after a few stitches!! And I have no idea what the first sampler could be...oooh, the anticipation..... :-)
    Happy 4th WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  6. I'd have got totally confused (some people would say no change there!) with all those projects on the go. Well done!! Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#36

  7. Looks like you've been busy with all those projects on the go. Happy WOYWW, Rebecca #52

  8. Gosh - that Cat Pile piece would take me years !!! I love cross stitch but only got the patience for little diddy things like book marks and stuff ! You are amazing with more than 1 on the go at the same time :-D

    Happy WOYWW 4th Anni :-D

    IKE xx #124


  9. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    It’s so nice to see another stitcher on here Lucy so I’ve just signed up to follow you. I’m loving the projects you’re working on and am intrigued by the ‘cat pile ‘ one. Don’t think I’ve seen that before.

    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  10. Happy 4th .....so many projects ...all looking so interesting ...thanks for sharing xx71

  11. WOW very busy desk! Love the hand work! Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  12. Hi Lucy
    so many interesting projects .... at least you wont get bored. Did you say you had some wool for LLJ where did you leave it?
    janet #32

  13. Lots of lovely projects to show us.

  14. Hello Lucy, happy 4th anniversary to you :) Lots of projects on the go and I'm staggered at the thought of one that is spread over15 x A4 size charts! It's sure to be an heirloom piece. Hope you've had a lovely WOYWW, Elizabeth x #155

  15. Happy WOYWW4 you've got alot of projects on the go and I can't figure out what the 1st one is at all hugs Nikki #145

  16. Wow. You have some amazing projects on the go there. Thanks for sharing them.
    Happy 4th Birthday celebrations...here's to many more.
    Annie x. # 4

  17. Your cross stitch projects look great. I hope you get the black and white one finished for Aug. It looks fabulous!

  18. happy 4th WOYWW anniversary, Lucy!
    i'm delighted to be part of this fun group
    and happy to get a chance to peek at your cross stitch projects. they are looking great. i really like the black and white one!
    peggy aplSEEDS@11

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi Lucy - Happy 4th WOYWW Birthday... Mxx #137

  21. Hi Lucy! Thanks for the visit earlier and for the encouragement, I so appreciate it! I know my limitations, and I would love to do cross stitch, but when I did a piece before, it became soooo dirty! And not at all straight! patsy

  22. Wow! Now that's talent! Can't wait to see the finished piece. What patience you have! Thanks for the earlier visit. a belated Happy WOYWW4! Nan G #6

  23. Wow! You are one busy lady - three on the go at the same time. Love doing cross stitch - but I think I need to go to the optician....
    Have a productive week.
    Margaret #70
