Tuesday, 22 January 2013


It's Wednesday again and time for our weekly dose of blog hopping, courtesy of Ms. Dunnit at Stamping Ground.

 Here is my desk this week.  I tried so hard to get this finished by the end of Tuesday, but alas, even though I only have to add the letters OHO and colour Amy's hair in red, I am just too darned tired.  Will probably get finished on Thursday night.  Will try to remember to update my blog with the finished article.
I have next week off so have started to peruse projects to be done.  These include lining my flaming work trousers (new and made exclusively of sandpaper)(and also very, very boring!), considering making a denim apron for a friend's birthday, start the next four cross stitches I've planned (even as I write this, I can hear this song playing in my head).  I've also been given more Christmas cards to recycle from colleague Nicki and a pile of craft magazines to get through from colleague Lee.I also plan to drink lots of peppermint tea, play video games and put my poor, tired feet up:)

See you all next week!


  1. what .... no chocolate!!
    the cross stitch looks great

  2. what a busy desk! love what you've done so far!
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 5

  3. It looks fabulous - hope it's finished soon! Lots of things on your to do list, too!! Helen, 9

  4. Awesome! Sounds like you are staying busy and stacking a lot more on with your to do list. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

  5. That is soooo cool! Sort of modern blackwork. Did you take the design from a photo or was it a pattern? Sounds like you've got a busy week ahead! Happy WOYWW Cindy #70

  6. Your project looks great. We used to cross stitch but our latest phase is art journals.

    The bears @#91 this week

  7. Oh my, that is coming on so well and really, whatever you think - so fast! Don't rush it, you don't wanna spoil it, it's just fab. Sandpaper trousers...argh, been there...good luck withthe lining thing, sounds likea job for a pair of leggings, I so am not brave enough to attempt that!

  8. great progress it looks fab
    Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #45

  9. This has really come on since last week and it will be fab when finished. Not worth trying to do it when tired, thats when we make mistakes.
    Ria #92

  10. Sounds like you’ve lots to keep you busy Lucy.
    It’s shame you didn’t manage to finish your cross stitch, especially as you’re so close to the end. Now if that were me I would have kept going. I look forward to seeing what your next project will be.
    Happy Crafting!

    Sue @ 111

  11. Busy week ahead for you. Enjoy your week off Hugs Pam x

  12. Your project is looking great ......have a good week

  13. Hopefully the week off will perk you up and you can have a well earned rest to do all those jobs!! Annette #18

  14. And well you should relax and put your feet up after all that. Love your embroidery, very effective in B&W...
    Jo x
    Thanks for visiting

  15. Oh wow! Last week you're done with just Amy's head and torso. Somebody's a quick crafter! lol
    Way to go dear bloggy friend. Thanks for visiting me already. xx

    Roudi #76

  16. Looks like a fun stitchy project, but the work trousers, those sound dreadful!!

    Happy WOYWW!
    :)trisha #164 this week
    and a little late!

  17. Doing a belated skip around the WOYWW posts!

    Wow, is that a cross-stitch? It's fabulous! Very funky and retro and stylish. I love it! Am very impressed cos I suck at fabric crafts. :lol:

    Ali #77

  18. Looking good.

    Very late this week. Sorry.
    Lori #129
