Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Hello everyone!

(I managed to turn WV off!)

Every Wednesday, i join up to What's On Your Workdesk over at Stamping Ground.

This is the state of my desk today.....
I'm still working on this.  So far, I've applied black electrical tape to the sharp part at the top of the cans (after opening them with a can opener) and have begun papier mache-ing the two at the back with purple tissue paper.  The fourth can is just out of shot, and i have another 4 after that to make!

Dan (the other half) asked me if i could help make some Xmas decorations for a charity evening he's putting on in aid of Child's Play.  Dan runs a retro gaming night every Friday at a Winchester pub called the Railway Inn and Child's Play use their donations to provide poorly kids in hospitals around the world with gaming consoles to help take their minds off their illnesses.

I asked when he wanted stuff by.  Yup, two weeks.  So, in time for 7th December.  Bang goes the other stuff i was doing for Christmas then, well at least until the 8th, when PANIC MODE will kick in swiftly.

Of course i'm only too happy to help a good cause and have begun in earnest...
This will be a mushroom hanging decoration.
I knocked up this Assassin's Creed logo in cross stitch last year and will be selling it at the do once i find a frame...Anyone remember this little internet meme...
That's going in too.

In other news, the papier mache bug has struck again as i begin to construct a wreath...
Yes, there is a floor there somewhere.

Now, i must be off to work.  I've heard 40 coaches are piling into Winchester to visit the Christmas market today (Did you hear that, Fairy Thoughts?) and I want to be ready to greet the mayhem.

Please go and check out the other desks on Julia's Stamping Ground.  Bye! xxx


  1. Busy, busy, busy time of year around the world it looks like. I decided back in the summer to take a cruise starting Sunday and now I am wondering if I have taken leave of my senses or had a heat stroke. OMG it is Christmas almost! WOYWW isn't up yet but thought I would post anyway. Have a great week. Vickie

  2. Oooh it all looks great fun there though - hope you get everything finished in time (I am sure you will!). Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl #25

  3. Sounds like you will be busy to the last minute (no change there then..) Good luck. Helen 8

  4. You've got your work cut out with plenty to do. Happy crafting jill #48

  5. Busy busy busy and such a lot of fab makes too.
    A x #42
    ps I'm hoping you will 'like' us and share us with your friends. [check out my blog for more info]

  6. Hello,

    A quick visit. Creative desk!
    Have a great Wednesday.

    Thanks visiting my blog
    Hugs Marleen #4

  7. Gosh there's lots on the go there. Trust hubby to ask at the last minute, but at least it's for a very good cause.

    Brenda 94

  8. I was going to offer to send you something for the charity but don't think gamers would like my bunting!! If I am wrong, email me your address and I'll send you a length. My son adores Assassins Creed - did you make the pattern up yourself?
    Good luck fending off the Christmas Hordes!!!
    Hugs, LLJ #32 xx

  9. hi Lucy
    A very tidy desk (shame about the floor) see this is what happens when you get more room.... more mess. still intruiged what you are making with the tins.
    Good luck with the fund raising I wish I could help but not sure anything I make would be of interest to gamers.
    sorry we ate all the buttons
    janet #26

  10. Lots of people working on the floor this week and I'll be doing that soon- when I start wrapping my gifts!!!! patsy

  11. Tidy desk and it seems to be a busy period for you - hope all goes well in the fund raising. I'm still making my late way round WOYWW land but enjoying the trip. Hope you are having a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #67
