Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Hello all! This will be my third (or fourth?) attempt to get my desk on WOYWW with much help and despairing from Janet at Fairythoughts. I may well have cracked it.

This week on my desk, I am starting a new project, which is why it all looks neat and a little laid-out. I'm not going to say what it is I am making as they are going to be presents for some of my friends and I know that they look here sometimes. Best not to give the game away, I say.

The item will comprise of a tin can, electrical tape, tissue paper, wallpaper paste and the plastic tube innards from the inside of till rolls I've been saving at work since about March. I like to recycle.

So, tonight I will be seeing if I can knock one of these together. Tomorrow is my day off and I am hoping to be able to find the time to start getting my homemade wrapping paper together. I still need to find the cross stitch motifs I made earlier this year as they are going on Christmas cards. Then, more decorations and stockings to be made, AND WRAPPING EVERYTHING!

Have a look at the other WOYWW desk at Stamping Ground

See you next week!


  1. Happy WOYWW. I am so intrigued as to see what you will be making. Will follow you, and then I can definitely see future posts. Sounds like you have Xmas well organised. Can you come and help me out?? Ali x #19

    1. Hello! Thank you for following me! If it's any consolation, i don't feel organised! Am trying to get this blasted word verification nonsense sorted but am finding it difficult. Will persevere! x

  2. interesting lot of ingredients for you project! I need to see the finished project so I am going to join the site and see what it is. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

    1. Ha! Glad i've intrigued you! Keep your eyes peeled! x

  3. Morning, thanks for letting me peek into your creative world this morning.

  4. Interesting! I can't wait to see what you make. Lovely that you recycle - Happy WOYWW! xxx Laura #51

    1. Keep your eyes peeled! I'm so into recycling now that i collect everything - drives my man wild because he sees it as rubbisjh! Take care. x

  5. Hmmm. I wonder what it will be??? Happy crafting!
    Karen 109

    1. Keep them peepers peeled! I shall post at every stage of it's construction:) x

  6. An intreging list of elements for your next project. And you sound very organised. Haven't even finished buying my presents yet let alone started wrapping them up.
    Tricia #74

    1. I sound organised, but don't feel it! So much still to do! Thanks for commenting:)

  7. That is a very interesting collection of things you have there. Please show when you are done.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #8

  8. You most certainly have cracked it!! I can only guess at the result of these ingredients..are you making mobile phones?!!!

    1. Hey Julia! Not mobile phones, but something that is useful and re-usable. Thanks for commenting! x

  9. hi lucy
    If you are resding this I have managed to get through the dammed WV . . . 5th time lucky
    Anyway good luck with the 'project' I am very intruiged!
    janet #31... yes you beat me by 2 I must try harder next weeek

    1. Am trying to get rid of WV, finding it difficult as i can't find my old interface to switch it off. Have sent you an email of the screenshot to prove it's not where it should be...

  10. well that WV was a guess just shows I maybe a robot

  11. Golly... that's an unusual set of ingredients! Can't wait to see the outcome... Glad you managed to link up, and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  12. Hi Lucy, Is this your first showing at WOYWW then? Welcome to the weekly party. Please could you leave your link-up number in future as I had a heck of a job finding you and often don't bother returning visits if a number isn't left. Also I see you reply to comments on your blog - not sure if you send these replies to the actual people directly as well but if not I doubt they know they are there at all which is a shame.
    Oh and finally you desk - so intriguing can't wait to see what you make, and I made the stamp with Funky Foam and Diecuts. BJ#5

    PS Please take the word verification thingy off, you could still moderate if you so choose. I will try 3 times max to send this else I give up on that too. With so many people to visit, things just need to be easy, don't you agree?

    1. Oh yes, i agree. However i am having trouble finding my old blogger interface as i don't get that as an option from the drop down menu when i click on the cog picture. Trying to get it sorted by next Wednesday. Cheers. x

  13. ooh....you have my interest....gonna pop back to see what you make!

    Thanks for visiting my desk already

    kyla #17

  14. Hi Lucy Thanks for stopping by - you are keeping us all intrigued this week !! You can't tantalise us & then not show us what that eclectic set of stash will turn intq !! Ali #21

  15. Well, that looks interesting. I can't work it out though. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. Happy WOYWW.

  16. What???we can't peek at the finishing project until after the holidays...oh my that looks interesting!!!

  17. Hullo there Lucy ah well done on making it over r this week - looks like lots have found you this time,. and hope your friends love your pressies!
    Many thanks for popping over and for sharing ~ Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #1
    arrgh! word verification,, maybe turn that off to pretty please.. I struggle with them, I could not read the first one here goes again..

  18. Hi there, Lucy!! Thank you for commenting on my blog :) That's an interesting and eclectic mix of items on your desk - what on earth are you going to make with those?? What a tease!! :)
    I love C&H, it's full of gorgeous fabrics and things to buy. I like the fact that it's ever so slightly old fashioned too! If I worked there, I'd spend all my wages on stash, lol!
    Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

    PS Your pumpkin carving was THE best I've seen this year!

  19. Hmmmn! Curiouser and curiouser says Alice...or Hettie in my case! 10/10 for recycling projects. Nice to see I am not the only tidy bunny this week too!
    Thanks for your visit.

  20. You've got me stumped!
    Hopefully you will show us the finished project when you can!

  21. That's surely going to be an incredibly interesting project Lucy. Pity the intended person reads your blog as I'm sure we'd all like to see it! Thanks for popping in and admiring my socks!!

    Brenda 80 something
