Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Hey, hey, hey!  After a difficult month moving Granny and trying to get her some occupational therapy, we are now there and for the first time in months, I find myself with a complete day off!  What better to do than take part in this week's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?!  You can join in here.

My desk (and other spaces) this week -

 Christmas prep has begun in earnest.  On my desk today, is the second half of finished presents for my colleagues.  The first half is already sitting in my locker at work.
 All of these bags have presents in various states of wrapped-ness.  I ran out of commercial wrapping paper and just have brown paper left that needs to be printed, so I've stopped for now.  Plus, I'm a little bored of wrapping anyway.
Dining room table - Family hampers are go, go, GO!  All jars are done, now just for homemade chocolates and peppermint creams, which I'll do the Sunday before the main event.

While wrapping the presents, my monthly shop arrived and I had to quickly sneak away all the tasty treats I've got in for Chrimble before O/H spotted me.  Looking forward to the three bird roast.  Oh, and the sprouts.

Still to do:work out when to decorate and what to use, figure out the impossible task of how to split myself three ways on Christmas day for different parts of family and more importantly, when to get my roast in the oven.  I have two weeks to get the fabric advent calendar made, hung and filled, To make a batch of relish or not (?), Will I find decent priced maple syrup for the bacon jam in time (?),snowmen earrings to make, Christmas CDs to burn, blah, blah, blah.  Ultimately, there is still lots left to do.

With a bit of luck, I should be back next week.  Tatty-bye all! xxx


  1. Wow, you are so organised, I have done my shopping and have most of my gifts, but not done the wrapping yet. #7

  2. I can't believe how organised you are!! I've done one batch of Christmas cards and that's it.. hope you solve your pulled 3 ways on Christmas day, it's a tough one! Helen 4

  3. you are so organized! i am still trying to figure out if I am nuts and took leave of my mind going away for a week over Thanksgiving and then I will be home for 2 weeks and then off for a weeks cruise in the Caribbean! We get home on December 21 so not a lot of time before Christmas to get it all done. Think I will get Christmas stuff out tomorrow and have it ready to go up when i get home from Thanksgiving. Not so organized about gifts as you are but I am knitting and crocheting like crazy right now! Have a great week. Vickie #17

  4. Wow Lucy, you're so organised! I haven't got so much as a napkin or cracker in the house yet......sigh. Your hampers and presents for work are looking fab!
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

  5. You make me smile, Lucy - you sound so like me. I love the run-up to Christmas, and making most of the gifts myself - so much more personal, and fun (not to mention cheaper! Haha) Enjoy WOYWW, have a fab week but don't run yourself ragged. Chris # 8

  6. Wow you are so organised with all your Christmas prep well under way, you make me feel very disorganised, I'm still pressie buying, although I have decided to make some chutney for presents this year and have that on the go!!
    Hugs Lisax #38

  7. Wow you sound so busy and there is still weeeeks to go before I rush around like a lunatic!! Your home made hampers will be wonderful .
    sandra de @21

  8. Happy WOYWW. Hope you get some time to relax before the Big Day. I often think about making gifts, but then get lazy! I still have a few gifts to buy - and I will be starting to wrap this weekend whilst watching F1. Ali x #42

  9. Wow, so many presents! Lucky colleagues of yours! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #39

  10. Wow you really have a lot of projects going on!! But I think creativity also brightens up everything!
    Gabriele 26

  11. You really look as though you are getting organised for Christmas, maybe you could pop over and do the same for me Lol!
    Have a great crafty week, Angela x 28

  12. Oh, you are a busy bee. So much to do, so little time. Pace yourself my dear, You can only do what you can do. And in the end. It will be enough. Well done. Keep smiling and creating

  13. Oh wow, you're crafting up a storm. Lovely looking gifts.

  14. Gosh, You certainly are doing a lot for Christmas and it's only November. I'm so glad I don't have to do all that rigmarole. But good for you! You obviously enjoy it.
    The present look very inviting I must say and all the jam jars etc for the hampers look great.
    Sorry I'm late, but I like to take my time and look at everybody's blog. I read it all and look at the links etc.
    Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
    Have a good week,
