Saturday, 12 September 2009

Lazy Days and Muse

I had planned to do something today.  Anything, in fact, except spending all morning on my laptop.  Fail.  I excuse myself by noting that i will be going out after lunch and probably won't be going home again until the early hours of tomorrow morning.  I've got approx. five hours to find two uniforms for me and my boyfriend to wear on a mates birthday night out, with no clue of what to buy and trying to justify the cost, which i can't.  I've looked around our cupboards trying to find remnants of our old dressing up box, but its probably made its way into the loft by now.  Poo. 

I've just been really naughty and listened to a live stream of the new Muse album 'Resistance'.  I've waited so long for it to come out on Monday that i couldn't wait any more.  Two days, i know.  I always find first listens of albums difficult to sum up - they need more listening!  I'll write what i think about each song now and no doubt will update each with every new listen. 

UPRISING:  Beautiful tribute to Dr. Who theme.  Very beefy with the bass.  Currently my favourite.
RESISTANCE:  Starts off slow and wishy-washy, quickly picks up a catchy verse before the first chorus.    
                          Goes etheral for a bit.  Repetitive.  I like the catchy bit a lot.  It reminds me of something
                          from the 80's but i don't know what.
UNDISCLOSED DESIRES:  Starts off like some catchy R'N'B tune Destiny's Child would have cooked
                          up.  Very different sound.  Punchy lyrics.  Very distant strains of Depeche Mode.
UNITED STATES OF EURASIA:  Stunning tribute to Queen.  Full of twiddly bits and power chords. 
                          Video is very good, if not a bit sinister where the maps of the U.S.A., Europe and Asia are
                          merged together to a very creepy part at the end of the song.  Makes the hairs on the back
                         of my neck stand up at the end. My second favourite tune.
GUIDING LIGHT: Epic arena anthem reminiscent of 'Invincible' off their last album Black Holes and 
                              Revelations.  Reminds me why i love his voice.  The occasional Queen-esque twiddle. 
                              A pretty song.
UNNATURAL SELECTION:  Good beat, very slappy.  Queen moments.  Great lyrics.  Poetic.
MK ULTRA: Reminds me of the tune from Anneka Rice's Treasure Hunt right at the beginning.  I love the
                      voice mashing in the middle, spooky bit.  There is a song by the Manics called 'Paul Robeson'
                      that features the lyrics 'MK Ultra turned you paranoid.'  Just thought that i would get that one
                      in there.
I BELONG TO YOU/MON COEUR S'OUVRE A TA VOIX:  My second favourite song so far.  Very
                     different.  Reminds me again of the 80's for the use of the sound effects in it.  Love the 'Oooh-
                     ee-oooh-ee-oooh's.  Fat on the piano.  Includes Matt singing in French.
EXOGENESIS:SYMPHONY PART 1(OVERTURE):  Reminiscent of Holst's planets, Alien soundtrack,
                    various creepy space films.  Orchestra sounds amazing.  Matt howls unrecognisable words in 
                    harmony thoughout.  Fantastic.
EXOGENESIS: SYMPHONY PART 2 (CROSS POLLINATION):  I wish i could remember the names
                   of all the classical music i like.  This one is heavy on Piano and sounds like a famous classical
                    song at the very beginning.  The lyrics are very *The world is in your hands, so save us*.        
                    Orchestra and band playing at the same time.
EXOGENESIS: SYMPHONY PART 3 (REDEMPTION)  Sounds like its going to break in the funeral song i've learned to fear (can't remember the name of that now, either.)  Starts getting happier and fairytale like.

I need to go and do something else now.  Might make some jam tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. [said with the inimitable voices of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer] "EURASIA-SIA-SIA-SIA"
