Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Woyww 232

Hello and welome to another week of WOYWW, where you can join in with the international desk snoop by clicking here.

My desk this week features an inverted TV cosy I am making for OH.  Probably best you don't ask.  I think it's fair to say I'm not enjoying this project, yet I still have three more to make him. Mmm.

In other news, I've heard that fellow WOYWWers Patsy and Peggy Aplseeds from the Philippines are OK following the horrific storm that has affected 2/3 of their country.  What a relief, but they are faced with very hard times.  If you like to pray, maybe you could pray for them today and if you have some spare money, perhaps you would like to donate to:
who are all running emergency appeals.

Folks in the UK can donate by simply walking into their nearest high street bank or post office where you should see signs up for DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee).



  1. What an interesting concept - a TV cosy! Stops folk watching it when it shouldn't be on, I suppose! Hope you manage some crafting you enjoy as well.
    Margaret #42

  2. We know so many people from the Philippines and are just hoping they are safe. The TV cosy is a great idea. Hugs. Pam#32

  3. TV cozy wouldn't work in my house! Hubby is an addict. . .Glad our Philippine friends are safe - what a horrific thing to happen. Lindart #94

  4. Happy Belated WOYWW. TV cosy? I want to know more. Ali x #73
