Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Hello everyone:)

Come and have a peek at all the lovely and creative desks on Ms. Julia's blog this week!

Sorry I couldn't make it last week, I've mislaid my camera charger.  I borrowed another one so I can keep up with this weekly blog hop.

My desk this week:

 This picture shows cough sweets and gum in top left corner, three postcards OH has sent me from Sweden, the new cross stitch and bottlecaps on the right that are destined to be taken to work for recycling.
I've not got a lot done yet.  It is called Diatoms and is a birthday present for my friend Nathan.  He is training to get his doctorate in Marine Biology and Conservation and posted the picture I got the design from on his Facebook page.  I made a chart from it and here we are.  It's on white 22ct Aida, which is turning me blind. Am actually thinking about investing in one of those around the neck magnifying glass things. His birthday isn't until August, but I'm already getting nervous by the scale of it.  Well, if it doesn't get done in time, he can have it for Christmas!

Thanks for coming to peek at my desk.  I hope you will go peeking at other desks too!  have a great week:))


  1. hi Lucy
    I guess you are feeling better. The cross stitch looks very fine. I can see why it is going to take a while ..... good luck with it. Interesting picture of a donkey's bum !! you might have to explain that one

  2. I think I could use one of those magnifying glasses too, I even gave up cross stitching years ago because of those tiny counts. It looks like you are off to a good start though, keep us posted! waving hi from the rainy hills of North Carolina ♥

  3. cross stitch is an instant migraine for me! Good luck to you...#34

  4. nice neat desk! I gave up cross stitch due to arthritic hands and bad eyes. I used to love to do it though! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing with us! Vickie #39

  5. Good luck with the stitching! not done any for years, too busy with my other crafting! Have a great week. helen 8

  6. what a lovely challenge you have taken on with that cross stitch I can't wait to see the finished project and I am sure it will be a big surprise when you give it as a gift
    Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
    Ria #48

  7. Gosh that sounds like quite a feat, I hope your poor eyes are not too strained after all the stitching. Your friend is very lucky to be getting such a present.

    Greetings from the bears @#89 this week

  8. I love your desk...you're always doing something out of the ordinary. Diatom cross stitch, huh, he'll never guess that' what his present is going to be!
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  9. your desk is far toooo tidy, I am liking the look of the cross stitch and will watch with great interest your progress :)
    Thanks for sharing Tracy #72

  10. Cor lucy I'm not surprised at the eyesight thing - go get teh magnifier, you don't want wrinkles from squinting at 22 count!! Tell me, how often do you use the hula hoop?

  11. I love your cross stitch it is really coming togeher and looking good the black really stands out and makes the image pop
    Have a great WOYWW thank you for sharing your workspace today
    Ria #39

  12. I can see why it is taking awhile to get done so intricate your work. There is no way that I could do that anymore as my eyes can't see the work.

    Happy Belated WOYWW
