My desk (of sorts) this week...
This is part of the cross stitch commission from another branch of the shop I work in. It's a table runner and I've been asked to only complete half of it.
This is what the warning is all about. I spent ALL (6am-10pm) on Sunday making preserves to be given away as Festival at the end of the year presents. I made 20 pots total of the following:
Blackberry jam
Apple and blackberry jam
Crab apple jelly
Plum jam
Chilli jam
Green tomato chutney.
Last night, I looked at my forlorn garden. Summer has taken her love with her and now everything look wilty and sad. I took a carrier bag to collect the last of the tomatoes and was astounded to completely fill it up. I have a shedload of chutney to make. I've estimated that I have at least 36 pots worth of tomatoes. Eep. Waste not, want not.
The sky from my playroom this morning. Just had to share it with you.
Have a happy crafting week all! xxx