Tuesday, 30 July 2013


It's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, where we visit the desks of the craftily-minded.  You can take part here.

T minus 11 days (insert comedy gulp here).  Here's my desk this week...

My desk this week, as it has been for about two months, is my lap.  An accord has been struck with Taz (pictured) and I that she may sit next to me if she doesn't attack me everytime I move a bit of thread.  So far, so good.

With eleven days to go until the wedding, things have been somewhat fraught.  I'm really worried about the join line that runs along their necks.

I THINK I HAVE FOUND A FRAME FOR IT!  A chance discovery in Sainsbury's the other night produced the only frame I've found so far that might fit, with some mounting.  Egads.

Still, on the plus point, it's also only 11 days until my birthday week off.  And I won't be cross stitching that week, that's for sure.

Thanks for visiting.  I'll do my best to get to your page.  Have a great week! x

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Well this was unexpected.  I popped along to Julia's page to remind myself what number we are up to and see that this week's blog hop has started a day early due to some internet issues down Julia's neck of the woods.  I better get on with it then!

Every week, a lot of people take advantage of participating in an international blog hop around the world, courtesy of our Julia and you can join in here.

My desk this week...

So all hell broke loose at the weekend when I discovered that the top panelling was misaligned from the bottom pannelling by a whole three stitches.  I turned into some kind of banshee until OH gave me an uncomfortable solution:  TO CUT THE TOP HALF FROM THE BOTTOM HALF WITH A PAIR OF SCISSORS.

Understandably, I felt sick about the whole thing, given how long I've been working on it.  Can you see a very faint line running across Tom's neck?  That's the cutline and I'm hoping that when I've done the picture,  I can go back and fill it in a bit.  I'll either frame it to the edges or mount it.  Can't decide on that at the moment.

Yup, that's 18 days to go until the wedding.  In that time, I have 96 hours left on this project.  You're not hiding your laughter very well.

And I still need to find a frame for it.

Start crossing your fingers folks.
Have a great week! 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Hello fellow WOYWWs!

It's another week of nosing at other people's desks to see what crafty projects they have been up to.  You can join in the fun here.

My desk this week...

Hope is slowly fading that I will get this finished in time for the wedding.  I'm not a pessimist, just a realist.  With 25 days left to go, I still haven't finished all of the bottom panels.  I will keep at it though as I would dearly love to see the bride and groom's faces when the see it.  Wouldn't quite be the same to have to take it around at some point afterwards.

Also on my mind this week...I'm thinking of making hard boiled sweets using recipes from a book I bought myself.  I hope to wrap them individually, stick in the jars I've been saving like a nutter (got around 15 of them now), pretty them up and distribute when the big festival at the end of the year comes around.  I DIDN'T SAY THE WORD!

Thanks for looking, see you all next time folks! x

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Hello and welcome to another week's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.  If you would like to join in with the weekly global snoop into the desks of the craftily-minded, you can do so here.

My desk this week...

On the left is the guitar strap and metal shabby chic heart I bought for my mate Lou's birthdy.  next to them is the birthday cake cross stitch I've made for her birthday cake.  In the box in the middle of the shot are all my DMC skeins that are waiting for a new lever arch file and DMC plastic archive sheets.  There is about 150 in there all tidily wrapped around their stitchbows.  In the lid, however, is a whole world of hell.  These are all the bits of strands that are too long to bin, but are no longer attached to their appropriate numbers and so cannot be identified.  I'm going to wrap them all onto cardboard tags and will store them in this box to use for creative xstitching projects I plan to do in the future.  The cardi is still in the background.  I am still painstakingly colouring in what was black with a black dye pen in a hope to spruce it up.

Here is the wedding present I am still working on.  Getting a bit antsy about it now as I only have about 40 days left to get it done.  This hasn't been helped by the fact that there is virtually no time to be spent on it this week as I have been cat sitting for OH's mum's cat and this weekend is the Hat Fair here in Winchester and I have found that I am going out for it on both Friday and Saturday nights and am also joining in with the Sunday picnic, so that's the whole of Sunday afternoon/early evening gone!

When I'm working on it, it is just a mess of colour and is very difficult to see any detail forming.  Huzzah then for having a camera as I' seeing the detail in Tom's shirt now and can see his beard starting to creep into the shot.  It's starting to get exciting!

I hope you all have a lovely week.  I will visit all those who visit me and then some. xxx