This is my desk this week...
I am currently painstakenly filling in all the washed out areas on my favourite top with a dye pen. I can't do more than 10 mins at a time due to sheer boredom, but I'm not ready to let it go, so suffer I must.
There is a pile of stitchbows waiting for m to wrap my DMC flosses onto. That will probably happen on Sunday.
OH is a computer game nut and he has been known to buy limited edition merchandise. The foldy paper you see with shapes on is a 3D tab Duke Nuken doll. Oh yes. I will show him off next week to you all.
The wedding present continues. Starting to get irked with it now. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal behaviour for me. When I start a cross stitch, I am in love with it. Then comes the obsession in stitching it every waking minute that I am not at work. Then I get irked, start to dispise the piece and at the point of handing it over to it's new owner, I utterly hate the thing. Thank goodness I have a deadline!
Thanks for peeking at my desk this week!